Issue 28, January 2003

Editor: Elizabeth McMahon
© all rights reserved

In Memoriam Dorothy Hewett

In an excerpt from Bird Song Thunder and A Few Drops of Rain: Merv Lilley writing personally,Hewett’s husband, fellow writer Merv Lilley, records his vigil in the latter stages of her illness.

Melissa Hardie’s Hewettiana presents a poetic tribute to Dorothy Hewett in a catalogue of  characteristics.

Target Essays

Mitchell Rolls offers an ‘unmitigated polemic’ on  Why I Don’t Want to be an “Ethical” Researcher in the field of Aboriginal Studies.

In The Impossibility Of Pleasing Everybody: A Legitimate Role For White Filmmakers Making Black Films,Frances Peters Little explores critical responses to films made by both black and white Australians. Frances also responds directly to Mitchell Rolls’s essay in emuse below.


In Cultural Values and Cultural Death in The Lord of the Rings Martin Ball discusses the way Peter Jackson’s films have reinvigorated discussion about the book’s meaning, and shifted the ground of its discussion from literary aesthetics to popular culture.

Occasional Address

Jennifer Rutherford’s address to Chisolm College, La Trobe University, titled Cutting Ordinary: An ABC True Story critiques the processes of making her documentary on Pauline Hanson and One Nation, Ordinary People.


Amir Ahmadi reviews Michael Dummet’s On Immigration and Refugees and ‘Race’ Panic and the Memory of Migration, edited by Meaghan Morris and Brett de Bary;

Susan Sheridan reviews Richard Nile, The Making of the Australian Literary Imagination;

Sean Slavin reviews Contagion: epidemics, history and culture from smallpox to anthrax, edited by Alison Bashford and Claire Hooker;

Monique Rooney looks at recent studies of addiction including Helen Keane’s What’s Wrong with Addiction? and Elizabeth Wurtzel’s More, Now, Again;

and Maree Murray considers B. W. Higman’s, Domestic Service in Australia, as an initial account of this largely unwritten labour history.

In e m u s e

Kerryn Goldsworthy and Adi Wimmer have responded to Gillian Whitlock’s essay, Leaving “ME”, which considers the exodus of humanities academics from Australian universities. Whitlock’s essay has also had responses from Philip Neilsen, Head of Creative Writing and Cultural Studies at QUT, and Nicholas Birns, Editor of Antipodes, New School University, New York.


Many thanks to Monique Rooney for her assistance in formatting this issue.

If you would like to contribute to this discussion, please email [email protected]